The Best Feedback Widgets for your Website

Sana ·

A Website feedback widget is a way to provide your customers the opportunity to give you feedback on the website. It can be placed anywhere on the page and it allows visitors to rate your site between one and five stars, or provide written feedback.

Some of the benefits of the website feedback widget are that it is easy for customers, gives customers visibility into how their feedback is being used and shows you how many people have given you feedback in the past. However, there are some downsides as well - you may have a few spam reviews and some of your users might not be interested in providing feedback at all.

# Why should I use a feedback widget?

As a business owner, it is important to know what your customers think about your website. There are many ways that you can get feedback from your customers, but one of the most popular ways is through surveys. Sending out surveys can help you gain valuable insights into how your customers feel about your website or app and what improvements could be made.

# What is a website feedback widget?

A website feedback widget is a form that can be easily embedded on a website to collect and analyze feedback. It allows you to receive valuable insights into user behavior and use that data to make improvements. Feedback widgets are a great way to collect customer feedback on a website.

A feedback widget is a form that can be easily embedded on any website to collect feedback and analyze it in an organized way. Feedback widgets have many settings that allow the user to customize the data collected such as date, time, location, user ID and more. What can you learn with a website feedback widget?

Website feedback widgets seem to be the best way for companies to understand what their customers want and how they are feeling about their service. They can also be used by companies who want to improve customer retention rates and create a sense of loyalty.

# Some of the best customer feedback widgets are Sleekplan, SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Wufoo and Formsite.

Sleekplan Feedback Widget

The in-app feedback widget by Sleekplan (opens new window)! The In-app feedback widget enables businesses to easily capture in-app feedback from their customers. The widget also provides instant insights, which help organizations understand what their customers think about their product or service.

Survey Monkey Screenshot

SurveyMonkey (opens new window) is one of the most popular when it comes to online surveys. It is easy to create and analyze surveys without any coding skills.

Typeform embeddable widget for customer feedback

Typeform (opens new window) is an excellent choice if you want your customers to answer a few questions with a bit more detail than just clicking a star rating. You can create different sets of questions and layouts, so you can make sure that your customer asks for what they need in order to provide you with the best feedback possible.

Wufoo for website feedback

Wufoo (opens new window) is another survey service which has been around for over 10 years now, and it's still going strong today! If you're looking for customization options or if you want your customers to upload files while


Looking for an all-in-one Feedback tool for your Product?

Sleekplan helps you to collect user feedback, keep a public changelog and structure your roadmap for free!