How to Manage Feedback from Internal and External Audiences

Laura ·

Collecting and managing feedback from both internal team members and external clients or the public is crucial for any organization's growth and improvement. Having a streamlined process to handle these inputs can lead to valuable insights and effective decision-making. In this guide, we'll explore two methods to manage feedback from internal and external audiences using a public feedback board.

# Method 1: Using a Separate Private Workspace

1. Create a Separate Workspace: To manage internal feedback separately, set up a new workspace dedicated solely to internal communication. This workspace should be private and not accessible to the public audience.

2. Password Protection or Email Domain: Secure the private workspace by using password protection or restricting access based on the email domain. For instance, you can limit access to emails with your company's domain (e.g., This ensures that only authorized team members can access and contribute to this internal feedback board.

3. Encourage Internal Feedback: Promote a culture of open communication within your organization, encouraging team members to provide feedback, suggestions, and ideas in the private workspace. This confidential environment will foster candid discussions among your staff.

4. Separate Public and Internal Feedback: With this approach, the public feedback board remains unchanged, and you have a clear distinction between internal and external feedback. Public feedback will continue to be visible to your clients and the public, while the internal feedback will remain private and accessible only to authorized team members.

# Method 2: Utilizing Segmentation within a Single Workspace

1. Set up Segmentation: Instead of creating a separate workspace, you can manage both internal and external feedback within the same public feedback board by using segmentation.

2. Create a Segment: Establish a segment based on the user's email address. For instance, you can set up a segment called "staff" that includes all the email addresses with your company's domain (e.g.,

4. Categorize Feedback: Create a new category, such as "internal," specifically for managing internal feedback. Assign the previously created "staff" segment to this category using the gear icon. By doing so, only users with email addresses from your company will be able to create and view posts in this category.

5. Effective Internal Feedback Management: Team members can now submit feedback in the "internal" category, ensuring it is distinct from the public feedback. They can also view, discuss, and collaborate on internal matters within this restricted section.

6. Public and External Feedback: The rest of the public feedback board will remain unaffected, providing a transparent platform for your clients and public audience to share their thoughts and ideas.


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