Turn User Feedback into ClickUp Tasks

Improve your feedback management and productivity by using ClickUp together with Sleekplan. Create a new Task in ClickUp from feedback posts or link posts to existing Tasks. Sleekplan will keep status updates in sync and notify your users once a task is completed.

Create New Tasks

Push feedback and suggestions from Sleekplan to ClickUp.
Create New Tasks

Link Existing Tasks

Link existing ClickUp tasks to posts on your feedback baord.
Link Existing Tasks

Sync Status Updates

Keep your users in sync with all important notifications and status updates.
Sync Status Updates
HeartSleekplan - User Feedback for ClickUp

Connect Sleekplan with ClickUp

You can simply try the Sleekplan Business Plan 30 days for free without any conditions. If you are satisfied, you can switch to a suitable plan afterward.
Get started for freeNo credit card required