# Webhooks
You can configure webhook endpoints to be notified about events that happen in your Sleekplan account, like feedback items & comments created, votes, subscriptions. You can configure webhooks from the dashboard, which provides a user interface for registering and testing your webhook endpoints.
Web Hooks can be used to integrate with Sleekplan, and receive real-time events from Sleekplan on a custom HTTP endpoint.
Webhooks can be used in the following scenarios:
- Store new suggestions in your database
- Store user emails right when a visitor sets their email
- Do something when a user performs any action (like a user vote, comment or subscribe to a suggestion)
- Etc. (you may come up with other scenarios)
# Get started with webhooks
To setup wehooks, you first need to setup a public HTTP endpoint, handling HTTP POST payloads. The endpoint can listen on any domain name / URL and can be hosted on your own servers.
To ensure no external user/attacker can post fake Crisp events to your endpoint URL, it is recommended you append a secret key to the endpoint URL, as a GET parameter, e.g. https://endpoint.yourapp.com/webhooks?key=MY_SECRET_KEY
. Your backend can then check that the provided key parameter matches the configured security key.
# Create webhooks
Once the endpoint is ready, create the webhook on Sleekplan:
- Go to your product settings on your Sleekplan Dashboard.
- Navigate to the "developer" section (opens new window)
- Scroll down, and select "add webhook"
- Finally, enter the endpoint URL (eg.
as described before)
# Events
Each event consists of two parts separated by a dot (event.part
). The first part indicates the event category and the second part means the event action (e.g. item.create
for webhooks triggered once a new suggestions is created). You can find a list of events that can be handled below:
Feedback/Suggestion related events
- item:
create, delete, update
- comment:
create, delete, update
- vote:
- subscription:
create, delete
Other events
- user:
create, delete, update
- changelog
create, update, subscribe
- satisfaction
# Payloads
Webhook events come when a real-time event occurs in your Sleekplan board. Event payloads have the same data format as the REST API returned JSON strings.
General format:
A Web Hook HTTP POST body is JSON-encoded and formatted as such:
"product_id": 5456534244,
"action" : action_key, // The action key (e.g. item.create, comment.update, vote.create)
"data" : data, // The webkook payload
"timestamp" : timestamp // UNIX timestamp of the event
"product_id" : 5456534244,
"action" : "item.create",
"data" : {
"feedback_id": "3",
"product_id": "1",
"title": "Show/search for similar ideas as you [...]",
"description": "This can help us avoid users posting a [...]",
"status": "open",
"trend": "0",
"type": "user-interface",
"total_up": "9",
"total_down": "0",
"total_sum": "9",
"total_comments": "0",
"total_ratio": "9",
"total_subscriber": "1",
"scoring": "0.55",
"effort": "1",
"created": "2020-05-22 16:49:00",
"updated": "2020-05-22 16:49:00",
"user": {
"user_id": "4",
"admin_id": 0,
"data_name": "lennishq",
"data_mail": "",
"data_img": "https://storage.sleekplan.com/..."
"timestamp" : "1506985999999"